"Kibō Nobori," which translates to "hope flags" in Japanese, is an ongoing series Faith-Ann created, inspired by the traditional koi fish flags (called “koi nobori'“) flown on Children’s Day in Japan and it is her first flag series in honor of her Japanese-American heritage and sentiments as a mother.

To coincide with this art series, she created a vibrant, hopeful, family-friendly outdoor festival, in Little Tokyo, with her partners Terasaki Budokan and co-mrkt. Each year, on the first Saturday of May in Little Tokyo, there is a full day of programming to celebrate Children’s Day, Japanese and AAPI art, creativity, community & culture.

co-mrkt’s curated marketplace features talented local AAPI artists, creatives and makers with goods for purchase, and Faith-Ann curates a mix of performances, including taiko drumming, traditional Japanese folk dance (odori), as well as musicians such as Ryoji + Friends and The Ondo Dance Groove. 

The event attracts 2,500+ people each May and is now an annual celebration. As Little Tokyo is a sacred historical place in Los Angeles, Faith-Ann is dedicated to bringing youthful energy, joy, talent, and hope to the community in Little Tokyo each year. 


Kibō Nobori Flag Series 2024

Kibō Nobori Festival Downtown Little Tokyo Los Angeles Terasaki Budokan
Kibō Nobori Festival Downtown Little Tokyo Los Angeles Terasaki Budokan